Release v1.0.1

RELEASE DATE: 03-02-2023

Stable version for REST API and Websockets. Includes changes to the request and response fields across endpoints.

REST API Changelog

GET /expiries

  • Returns an array of UNIX timestamps in nanos in string format.

GET /index

  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /index-history

  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /markets

  • Renamed type to instrument_type
  • Renamed underlying to underlying_asset
  • Renamed size_step to amount_step
  • Reformatted instrument_id to to string format
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /statistics

  • Renamed price to index_price

GET /orderbook

  • Renamed argument symbol to instrument_name
  • Added instrument_id in the response
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /instrument/{instrument_name}/trade-history

  • Removed account from the response
  • Removed agg_order_id from the response
  • Removed total_matched_amount from the response
  • Removed event_type from the response
  • Removed option_type from the response
  • Removed expiry from the response
  • Removed strike from the response
  • Removed order_type from the response
  • Removed trade_status from the response
  • Removed fees from the response
  • Renamed avg_price to price
  • Added instrument_id in the response
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

POST /register

  • Added success in the response
  • Renamed signingKeys to signing_key
  • Renamed registered_at to created_timestamp
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

DELETE /api-key

  • Renamed status to success
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

POST /api-key

  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

DELETE /signing-key

  • Renamed status to success
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /account

  • Renamed account_id to account
  • Renamed registered_at to created_timestamp
  • Renamed average_entry_price to avg_entry_price
  • Renamed fee to fees
  • Removed last_updated_timestamp from the response
  • Reformatted account_type to string

POST /withdraw

  • Renamed status to success

GET /orders

  • Renamed id to order_id
  • Renamed account_id to account
  • Renamed size to amount
  • Renamed type to option_type
  • Added order_status in the response
  • Changed allowed values for side to buy and sell only
  • Reformatted instrument_id to to string format
  • Reformatted expiry to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

POST /orders

  • Renamed fill_amount to filled

POST /orders/{order_id}

  • Renamed fill_amount to filled

DELETE /orders-all

  • Renamed status to success

GET /order-history

  • Renamed id to order_id
  • Renamed account_id to account
  • Renamed direction to side
  • Renamed size to amount
  • Renamed type to option_type
  • Renamed status to order_status
  • Removed event_type from the response
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /trade-history

  • Renamed id to trade_id
  • Renamed type to trade_type
  • Renamed account_id to account
  • Renamed direction to side
  • Renamed size to amount
  • Renamed status to order_status
  • Renamed aggressing_order_id to agg_order_id
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /transaction-history

  • Renamed id to account
  • Reformatted timestamp to UNIX timestamp in nanos in string format.

GET /mmp

  • Renamed limit to amount_limit
  • Reformatted interval to string in the response
  • Reformatted frozen to string in the response

Websockets Changelog


  • Simplified response to include only success and timestamp


  • Renamed instrument to instrument_name
  • Renamed timestamp to last_updated


  • Newly added

PUBLISH Create Order

  • Renamed argument isBuy to is_buy
  • Renamed argument limitPrice to limit_price
  • Renamed fill_amount to filled in the response

PUBLISH Cancel Order

  • Renamed argument id to order_id

PUBLISH Edit Order

  • Renamed argument id to order_id
  • Renamed argument isBuy to is_buy
  • Renamed argument limitPrice to limit_price


  • Renamed instrument to instrument_name
  • Renamed size to amount


  • Renamed maker to account
  • Renamed instrument to instrument_name
  • Renamed direction to side
  • Renamed limit_price to price
  • Renamed fill_amount to filled
  • Renamed timestamp to created_timestamp
  • Removed avg_price


  • Removed last_updated_timestamp from the response
  • Renamed position to amount
  • Added instrument_name in the response
  • Added mark_price in the response
  • Added greeks in the response which include option's Greeks and IV


  • Newly added