Release v1.1.4

RELEASE DATE: 06-06-2023

Added support for manually flagging orders for MMP. Miscellaneous changes around adding multi-asset support.


Currently, all post-only orders are included as MMP triggers by default. Starting from 13th June, only orders tagged with mmp: true are considered for MMP.

Market making participants are encouraged to pass in the mmp parameter when quoting.

REST API Changelog

GET /account

  • Renamed fee_structure to fee_structures
  • Modify the response format for fee_structures to array of objects. It will now indicate the maker/taker fee of each asset and instrument type.

POST /orders

  • Added the mmp parameter

POST /order/

  • Added the mmp parameter

GET /mmp

  • Added the asset query parameter, which defaults to "ETH"

POST /mmp

  • Added the asset parameter, which defaults to "ETH"

POST /reset-mmp

  • Added the asset parameter, which defaults to "ETH"

Websocket API Changelog

PUBLISH Create Order

  • Added mmp parameter

PUBLISH Edit Order

  • Added mmp parameter