ACCOUNT_ALREADY_CREDITED | The account has already been credited. |
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS | The account already exists. |
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_REFERRED | The account has already been referred. |
ACCOUNT_CLAIMED_REFERRAL_REWARDS | The account has already claimed referral rewards. |
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified account does not exist. |
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_PREFERENCE_FALSE | The email preference for the account is set to false. |
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFIED_FALSE | The account's email address has not been verified. |
ACCOUNT_EXISTS | The account already exists. |
ACCOUNT_INVALID_API_KEY | The API key is invalid. |
ACCOUNT_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS | The IP address is invalid. |
ACCOUNT_INVALID_SIGNING_KEY | The signing key is invalid. |
ACCOUNT_LIQUIDATION | The account is currently under liquidation. |
ACCOUNT_MMP_NOT_TRIGGERED | The Market Maker Protection (MMP) has not been triggered for this account. |
ACCOUNT_MMP_PROTECTED | The account is protected under Market Maker Protection (MMP). |
ACCOUNT_NOT_IN_GROUP | The account is not in the specified group. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_IN_LIQUIDATION | The specified account is not in liquidation. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_ISOLATED | The account is not marked as isolated but was expected to be. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_REFERRED | The account has not been referred. |
ACCOUNT_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS | No email address is associated with the account. |
ACCOUNT_POSITION_LIQUIDATION | The account's position is currently under liquidation. |
ACCOUNT_RESEND_EMAIL_TOO_EARLY | It is too early to resend the verification email for the account. |
ACCOUNT_TYPE_INVALID | The account type specified is invalid. |
AMOUNT_STEP_SIZE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The amount step size is not within the acceptable range. |
API_KEY_EXISTS | The API key already exists. |
API_KEY_READ_ONLY | The API key has read-only permissions. |
ASSET_NOT_PRELAUNCH | The asset is not in prelaunch. |
BAD_REQUEST | The request is malformed or invalid. |
BELOW_MIN_IV | The implied volatility (IV) is below the minimum threshold. |
BELOW_MIN_ORDER_VALUE | The order value is below the minimum allowed value. |
BLOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The block does not exist. |
BLOCK_EXISTS | The block already exists. |
BLOCK_INVALID_HASH | The block hash is invalid. |
BLOCK_INVALID_ID | The block ID is invalid. |
BLOCK_INVALID_MAKER | The block maker is invalid. |
BLOCK_INVALID_PROTO | The block protocol is invalid. |
BLOCK_INVALID_SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP | The system timestamp of the block is invalid. |
BLOCK_PENDING_CANCEL | The block cancellation is pending. |
BLOCK_PENDING_CREATE | The block creation is pending. |
CANCEL_ORDER_EXISTS_IN_MATCH_ORDER | A cancel order exists in the match order. |
CANNOT_DECREASE_LEVERAGE | Cannot decrease the leverage below the current level. |
CAP_REACHED | The cap has been reached. |
CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND | The requested WebSocket channel was not found. |
CHARGE_FUNDING_PENDING | Charging for funding is pending. |
CHARGE_FUNDING_PRELAUNCH | Charging of funding prelaunch is not allowed. |
CLAIM_REFERRAL_NO_SEQ_NO | No sequence number was provided for the referral claim. |
CLICKHOUSE_QUERY_FAILED | The query to ClickHouse failed. |
CLOSE_POSITION_ORDER_EXISTS | An order to close the position already exists. |
COLLATERAL_EXISTS | The specified collateral already exists. |
COLLATERAL_FACTOR_GREATER_THAN_1 | The collateral factor is greater than 1, exceeding the maximum allowable ratio. |
COLLATERAL_FACTOR_NEGATIVE | The collateral factor is negative, which is not allowed. |
CONFIG_NOT_SET | The required configuration has not been set. |
DUPLICATED_INSTRUMENTS | Duplicated instruments are detected. |
DUPLICATE_USER_STRATEGY_CONFIRMATIONS | Duplicate confirmations for a user strategy. |
DURATION_TOO_LONG | The duration is too long. |
EDIT_ORDER_CANNOT_BE_MARKET_ORDER | An edit to an order cannot convert it to a market order. |
EDIT_ORDER_CANNOT_CHANGE_DIRECTION | Cannot change the direction of the order during an edit. |
EDIT_ORDER_DIFFERENT_INSTRUMENT | The edited order cannot change its instrument. |
EDIT_ORDER_SAME_ID | The edited order has the same order ID as the original. |
EMPTY_BASE_CURRENCY | The base currency field is empty. |
EMPTY_BLOCK | The block is empty. |
EMPTY_QUOTE_CURRENCY | The quote currency field is empty. |
EMPTY_QUOTE_LEGS | The quote has no legs. |
EMPTY_STRATEGY_NAME | The strategy name is empty. |
EMPTY_TICKER_NAME | The ticker name field is empty. |
EMPTY_VENUE_NAME | The venue name field is empty. |
EPOCH_HAS_NOT_PASSED | The epoch has not passed yet. |
EPOCH_ZERO | The epoch value is zero. |
ERR_ACCEPT_ACCOUNT_WITHDRAW | Error occurred while accepting account withdrawal. |
ERR_ACCOUNT_WITHDRAW | Error occurred during account withdrawal. |
ERR_CLAIM_REFERRAL_NO_REWARDS | No rewards are available for the referral claim. |
ERR_CLAIM_REFERRAL_REWARD | Error occurred while claiming referral rewards. |
ERR_CLAIM_REFERRAL_TRANSFER | Error occurred during referral reward transfer. |
EVENT_NOT_IN_QUEUE | The event is not in the queue. |
EVENT_TOO_LARGE | The event size exceeds the maximum allowable limit. |
EXCEEDS_MAX_NOTIONAL | The order exceeds the maximum notional risk limit. |
EXCEED_MAX_IV | The implied volatility (IV) exceeds the maximum threshold. |
EXCEED_MAX_ORDER_VALUE | The order value exceeds the maximum allowed value. |
EXCEED_ORDER_PRICE_BAND | The order price exceeds the allowable band or limit. |
EXCEED_TRADE_PRICE_BAND | The trade price exceeds the allowable band or limit. |
EXISTING_SPOT_ORDER | An existing spot order already exists. |
EXPIRE_MAKER | The stop protection expired for the maker. |
EXPIRE_TAKER | The stop protection expired for the taker. |
EXTERNAL_INVALID_INSTRUMENT | The instrument specified in the external order is invalid. |
EXTERNAL_LIQUIDATION_ORDER | An external order for liquidation has been placed. |
FAIR_IMPACT_TOLERANCE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The fair impact tolerance is not within the acceptable range. |
FEED_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified feed does not exist. |
FILE_NOT_ATTACHED | No file is attached. |
FORCE_CANCEL | The order was force canceled. |
FULL_CLOSE_POSITION_CANNOT_BE_PARTIAL | A full close position cannot be partial. |
FULL_SIZE_ONLY | Only full size is allowed. |
FULL_SIZE_ZERO | The full size is zero. |
FUNDING_ALREADY_ENABLED | Funding is already enabled. |
FUNDING_DISABLED | Funding is disabled. |
FUNDING_RATE_EMPTY | The funding rate data is empty. |
GLOBAL_INSTRUMENT_CONFIG_EMPTY | The global instrument configuration is empty. |
GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified group does not exist. |
GTC_ORDER_REJECTED | The Good-Til-Canceled (GTC) order was rejected. |
HIDDEN_OPTION_EXISTS | A hidden option already exists. |
INDEX_EMPTY | The index is empty. |
INDEX_NOT_READY | The index is not ready. |
INDEX_NO_SOURCE | No source is available for the index price. |
INDEX_PRICE_ZERO | The index price is zero. |
INITIAL_MARGIN_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The initial margin is not within the acceptable range. |
INSTRUMENT_ALREADY_ACTIVE | The instrument is already active. |
INSTRUMENT_ALREADY_PAUSED | The instrument has already been paused. |
INSTRUMENT_CONFIG_EMPTY | The instrument configuration is empty. |
INSTRUMENT_CREATE_PENDING | Instrument creation is pending. |
INSTRUMENT_DELISTING | The instrument is being delisted. |
INSTRUMENT_EXPIRED | The instrument has expired. |
INSTRUMENT_ID_INVALID | The instrument ID is invalid. |
INSTRUMENT_INACTIVE | The instrument is inactive. |
INSTRUMENT_INVALID | The instrument is invalid. |
INSTRUMENT_NAME_NONE | The instrument name is not specified. |
INSTRUMENT_NOT_DELISTING | The instrument is not being delisted. |
INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND | The specified instrument was not found. |
INSTRUMENT_NOT_PAUSED | The instrument is not paused. |
INSTRUMENT_NOT_PERPETUAL | The instrument is not a perpetual instrument. |
INSTRUMENT_NO_FUNDING | The instrument has no funding. |
INSTRUMENT_OPTION_EXISTS | An instrument option already exists. |
INSTRUMENT_PAUSED | The instrument has been paused. |
INSTRUMENT_TYPE_EXISTS | The instrument type already exists. |
INSTRUMENT_TYPE_NONE | The instrument type is not specified. |
INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | The available balance is insufficient for the requested operation. |
INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_MARGIN | There is insufficient available margin for the order. |
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | The balance is insufficient for the requested operation. |
INSUFFICIENT_ISOLATED_MARGIN | There is insufficient isolated margin for the order. |
INSUFFICIENT_MARGIN | The margin is insufficient for the requested operation. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | An internal error occurred within the server. |
INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN | The provided access token is invalid. |
INVALID_ACCOUNT | The account specified is invalid. |
INVALID_ADDRESS | The address provided is invalid. |
INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified is invalid. |
INVALID_AMOUNT_STEP_SIZE | The amount step size is invalid. |
INVALID_ASSET | The asset specified is invalid. |
INVALID_BLOCK_NUMBER | The block number specified is invalid. |
INVALID_CAP | The cap specified is invalid. |
INVALID_CHAIN_ID | The chain ID provided is invalid. |
INVALID_CLAIM_REFERRAL | The claim referral is invalid. |
INVALID_COLLATERAL | The collateral specified is invalid. |
INVALID_COLLATERAL_CONFIG | The configuration for the collateral is invalid. |
INVALID_COLLATERAL_DECIMALS | The decimals for the collateral are invalid. |
INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR | The collateral factor is invalid. |
INVALID_CONFIRMATIONS | The confirmations specified are invalid. |
INVALID_COUNT | The count specified is invalid. |
INVALID_DIRECTION_REDUCE_ONLY | The direction for the reduce-only order is invalid. |
INVALID_EMAIL_AUTH_TOKEN | The email authentication token is invalid. |
INVALID_EMAIL_TYPE | The email type is invalid. |
INVALID_FIX_INDEX_PRICE | The fixed index price is invalid. |
INVALID_FIX_MARK_PRICE | The fixed mark price is invalid. |
INVALID_GAS | The gas value specified is invalid. |
INVALID_INSTRUMENT | The instrument specified is invalid. |
INVALID_INSURANCE_FUND_MAX_NOTIONAL | The maximum notional for the insurance fund is invalid. |
INVALID_IP | The IP address is invalid. |
INVALID_KEY | The provided key is invalid. |
INVALID_LEG | The leg specified is invalid. |
INVALID_LEVERAGE | The leverage for the order is invalid. |
INVALID_LIMIT_BUY_PRICE | The limit buy price is invalid. |
INVALID_LIMIT_SELL_PRICE | The limit sell price is invalid. |
INVALID_LOG_INDEX | The log index specified is invalid. |
INVALID_MARGIN | The margin specified is invalid. |
INVALID_MARGIN_TYPE | The margin type specified is invalid. |
INVALID_MARKET_ORDER | The market order is invalid. |
INVALID_MAX_WITHDRAW | The maximum withdrawal limit is invalid. |
INVALID_MESSAGE_FORMAT | The WebSocket message format is invalid. |
INVALID_OFFSET_NUMBER | The offset number specified is invalid. |
INVALID_OPEN_ORDER_PRICE | The open order price is invalid. |
INVALID_OPTION_EXPIRY | The option expiry is invalid. |
INVALID_OPTION_NAME | The option name is invalid. |
INVALID_ORDERBOOK | The orderbook is invalid. |
INVALID_ORDER_PRICE | The price specified in the order is invalid. |
INVALID_ORDER_REDUCE_ONLY | The reduce-only order is invalid. |
INVALID_ORDER_TIME_IN_FORCE | The time-in-force setting for the order is invalid. |
INVALID_PARTIAL_POSITION_CANNOT_BE_LIMIT_ORDER | The partial position order type is invalid. |
INVALID_PAUSE_WITHDRAW_TARGET | The target for pause withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_PERPETUAL_NAME | The perpetual name is invalid. |
INVALID_PREV_BLOCK_NUMBER | The previous block number specified is invalid. |
INVALID_PREV_LOG_INDEX | The previous log index specified is invalid. |
INVALID_PRICE_STEP_SIZE | The price step size is invalid. |
INVALID_RANGE | The specified range is invalid. |
INVALID_RATIO_STEP_SIZE | The ratio step size is invalid. |
INVALID_RECIPIENT_TO | The recipient address for the withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_REFEREE | The referee specified is invalid. |
INVALID_REFERRAL_CODE | The referral code specified is invalid. |
INVALID_REFERRER | The referrer specified is invalid. |
INVALID_RESOLUTION | The provided 'resolution' parameter is invalid. |
INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER | The sequence number specified is invalid. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | The provided signature is invalid. |
INVALID_SNAPSHOT | The snapshot specified is invalid. |
INVALID_SOCKET_CONNECTOR | The connector specified for the socket withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_SOCKET_TO | The destination for the socket withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_SOCKET_WITHDRAW_PROXY | The proxy specified for socket withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_SPOT | The spot specified is invalid. |
INVALID_SPOT_NAME | The spot name is invalid. |
INVALID_STOP_ORDER | The stop order is invalid. |
INVALID_STRATEGY_TARGET_UTILIZATION | The target utilization for the strategy is invalid. |
INVALID_TARGET_UTILIZATION | The target utilization is invalid. |
INVALID_TIMESTAMP | The provided timestamp is invalid. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION_INDEX | The transaction index specified is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAW | The withdrawal request is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAWAL_FEE | The withdrawal fee specified is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAW_CAPACITY_SETTING | The setting for withdraw capacity is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAW_COLLATERAL | The collateral specified for withdrawal is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAW_ID | The withdrawal ID is invalid. |
INVALID_WITHDRAW_TO | The destination address for the withdrawal is invalid. |
IOC_ORDER_REJECTED | The Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) order was rejected. This happens when the order cannot be immediately filled by the orderbook's orders. |
LEG_ZERO_RATIO | The leg ratio is zero. |
LEVERAGE_IS_ZERO | The leverage setting is zero, which is not allowed. |
LEVERAGE_NOT_SET | The leverage has not been set. |
LEVERAGE_TOO_HIGH | The leverage for the order is too high. |
LIQUIDATION_EXPIRED | The liquidation process has expired. |
LIQUIDATION_FEE_CAP_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The liquidation fee cap is not within the acceptable range. |
LIQUIDATION_FEE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The liquidation fee is not within the acceptable range. |
LIQUIDATION_MAX_SLIPPAGE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The maximum slippage allowed during liquidation is not within the acceptable range. |
LIQUIDATION_WRONG_SIDE | The liquidation was attempted on the wrong side of the market. |
LOADED | The item has been successfully loaded. |
MAINTENANCE_MARGIN_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The maintenance margin is not within the acceptable range. |
MAINTENANCE_MODE_DISABLED | The system is not in maintenance mode. |
MAINTENANCE_MODE_ENABLED | The system is currently in maintenance mode. |
MAKER_FEE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The maker fee is not within the acceptable range. |
MAKER_LIQUIDATED | The maker has been liquidated. |
MAKER_ORDER_NOT_FOUND | The maker order was not found. |
MARKET_NOT_READY | The market is not ready. |
MARK_EXCEED_SPOT | The mark price exceeds the spot price. |
MARK_EXCEED_STRIKE | The mark price exceeds the strike price. |
MARK_NOT_READY | The mark price is not ready. |
MARK_PRICE_NEGATIVE | The mark price is negative. |
MARK_PRICE_ZERO | The mark price is zero. |
MAX_AMOUNT_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The maximum amount is not within the acceptable range. |
MAX_NOTIONAL_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The maximum notional is not within the acceptable range. |
MAX_RATIO_EXCEEDED | The maximum ratio has been exceeded. |
MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE | The WebSocket message is too large. |
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | The HTTP method used is not allowed. |
MIN_AMOUNT_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The minimum amount is not within the acceptable range. |
MISSING_END | A required 'end' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_EXPIRY | A required 'expiry' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_FROM | The 'from' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_LIMIT | A required 'limit' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_NAME | A required 'name' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_RESOLUTION | A required 'resolution' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_START | A required 'start' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_SYMBOL | A required 'symbol' parameter is missing. |
MISSING_TO | The 'to' parameter is missing. |
MMP_NOT_ENABLED | Market Maker Protection (MMP) is not enabled for this account. |
MORE_THAN_4_PARTIAL_STOP_LOSS_POSITIONS | There are more than four partial stop loss positions, which is not allowed. |
MORE_THAN_4_PARTIAL_TAKE_PROFIT_POSITIONS | There are more than four partial take profit positions, which is not allowed. |
NEGATIVE_BALANCE_TOPUP_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH | The top-up amount for a negative balance is too high. |
NEGATIVE_INDEX | The index specified is negative. |
NEGATIVE_IV | The implied volatility (IV) is negative. |
NEGATIVE_VALUE | The value specified is negative. |
NOT_ACCOUNTS_DEPOSIT | The operation does not apply to accounts' deposits. |
NOT_ADMIN | The operation requires admin privileges. |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The requested feature is not implemented. |
NOT_LOADED | The item has not been loaded. |
NOT_SNAPSHOTTER | The operation is not allowed because the user is not a snapshotter. |
NO_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | There is no available balance for the order. |
NO_COMMITED_DEPOSITS_OR_WITHDRAWALS | There are no committed deposits or withdrawals. |
NO_LIQUIDATION_ACCOUNT | No account available for liquidation. |
NO_ORDERS_TO_CANCEL | There are no orders to cancel. |
NO_PENDING_CHARGE_FUNDING | There is no pending charge for funding. |
NO_PENDING_DEPOSITS_OR_WITHDRAWALS | There are no pending deposits or withdrawals. |
NO_POSITION_REDUCE_ONLY | No position available to apply the reduce-only order. |
OLD_SIGNING_KEY | The signing key is too old. |
OLD_WITHDRAW | The withdrawal is too old. |
ONCHAIN_QUEUE_CLEARED | The on-chain queue has been cleared. |
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND | The requested operation could not be found. |
ORDERBOOK_EMPTY | The orderbook is empty. |
ORDERBOOK_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND | The orderbook image was not found. |
ORDERS_UNKNOWN_MODE | The mode specified for orders is unknown. |
ORDERS_UNSIGNED_MODE | The unsigned mode for orders is not allowed. |
ORDERS_UNSUPPORTED_MODE | The mode specified for orders is unsupported. |
ORDER_ACCEPT_PENDING | The order acceptance is pending. |
ORDER_BAD_SIGNATURE | The order has a bad signature. |
ORDER_BAD_SIGNING_KEY | The signing key for the order is bad. |
ORDER_CANCELLED | The order has been cancelled. |
ORDER_CANCEL_PENDING | The order cancellation is pending. |
ORDER_CREATE_PENDING | The order creation is pending. |
ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The order does not exist. |
ORDER_EXCEEDS_CAPACITY_OF_REDUCE_ONLY | The order exceeds the capacity allowed for reduce-only orders. |
ORDER_EXCEEDS_LEVERAGE | The order exceeds the maximum allowed leverage. |
ORDER_EXISTS | The order already exists. |
ORDER_EXISTS_MATCHED | The order has already been matched. |
ORDER_EXISTS_PENDING | An existing order is already pending. |
ORDER_EXPIRED | The order has expired. |
ORDER_INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified in the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_AVERAGE_PRICE | The average price of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_FILL | The fill of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_HASH | The hash of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_ID | The ID of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_INSTRUMENT | The instrument specified in the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_ISOLATED_MARGIN | The isolated margin specified for the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_MAKER | The maker of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_PRICE | The price specified in the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_SALT | The salt specified in the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_SIGNATURE | The order has an invalid signature. |
ORDER_INVALID_SIGNING_KEY | The signing key for the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_STATE | The order is in an invalid state. |
ORDER_INVALID_TIME | The time of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_INVALID_TYPE | The type of the order is invalid. |
ORDER_ISOLATED_MARGIN_ALREADY_SET | The isolated margin has already been set for this order. |
ORDER_ISOLATED_MARGIN_NOT_REDUCE_ONLY | Isolated margin orders must be reduce-only but this one is not. |
ORDER_ISOLATED_MARGIN_NOT_SUPPORTED | Isolated margin is not supported for this order. |
ORDER_ISOLATED_MARGIN_REQUIRED | Isolated margin is required for this order. |
ORDER_NOT_FOUND | The order was not found. |
ORDER_NOT_MARKET | The order is not a market order but was expected to be. |
ORDER_NOT_REDUCE_ONLY | The order is not marked as reduce-only but was expected to be. |
ORDER_NO_ORDERBOOK | No orderbook is available for the order. |
ORDER_NO_SIGNATURE | The order does not have a signature. |
ORDER_TIMED_OUT | The order has timed out. |
ORDER_VALUE_EXCEEDS_BALANCE | The order value exceeds the current account balance. |
PANIC | A panic occurred in the server. |
PARTIAL_ORDER_AMOUNT_CANNOT_BE_MORE_THAN_ORDER_POSITION | The partial order amount cannot be more than the order position. |
PAUSED_WITHDRAW | Withdrawals have been paused. |
PENDING_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND | The pending deposit was not found. |
PENDING_ISOLATED_MARGIN | The isolated margin change is pending. |
PENDING_TRANSACTION | The transaction is pending. |
PENDING_WITHDRAW_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified pending withdrawal does not exist. |
PERPETUAL_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The perpetual does not exist. |
PERPETUAL_LAUNCHED | The perpetual has already been launched. |
PORTFOLIO_INITIAL_MARGIN_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The portfolio's initial margin is not within the acceptable range. |
PORTFOLIO_MAINTENANCE_MARGIN_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The portfolio's maintenance margin is not within the acceptable range. |
POSITION_EXISTS | The position already exists. |
PREMIUM_CAP_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The premium cap is not within the acceptable range. |
PRICE_BAND_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The price band is not within the acceptable range. |
PRICE_STEP_SIZE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The price step size is not within the acceptable range. |
QUOTES_FOR_BLOCK_EXIST | Quotes for the block already exist. |
QUOTE_BAD_SIGNATURE | The signature on the quote is bad. |
QUOTE_CANCEL_PENDING | Cancellation of the quote is pending. |
QUOTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The quote does not exist. |
QUOTE_EXISTS | The quote already exists. |
QUOTE_INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified in the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_HASH | The hash of the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_LIMIT_PRICE | The limit price of the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_MAKER | The maker of the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_PROTO | The protocol of the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_SALT | The salt for the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_INVALID_SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP | The system timestamp of the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_ISOLATED_NOT_ALLOWED | Isolated quotes are not allowed. |
QUOTE_NO_SIGNATURE | No signature was provided with the quote. |
QUOTE_PENDING_CANCEL | The quote is pending cancellation. |
QUOTE_PENDING_CREATE | Creation of the quote is pending. |
QUOTE_SIGNATURE_INVALID | The signature on the quote is invalid. |
QUOTE_TIMED_OUT | The quote has timed out. |
RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | The request has been rate limited. |
RATE_LIMIT_TOO_HIGH | The rate limit specified is too high. |
REDUCE_ONLY_NO_POSITION | The reduce-only order has no corresponding position. |
REDUCE_ONLY_ORDER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_POSITION | The reduce-only order amount exceeds the available position. |
REDUCE_ONLY_ORDER_REJECTED | The reduce-only order was rejected. |
REFERRAL_CLAIM_AMOUNT_INCORRECT | The amount claimed for the referral is incorrect. |
REFERRAL_CLAIM_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH | The amount claimed for the referral is too high. |
REFERRAL_CLAIM_FAILED | The referral claim failed. |
REFERRAL_CLAIM_PENDING | The referral claim is pending. |
REFERRAL_FEE_PERCENTAGE_TOO_HIGH | The referral fee percentage is too high. |
REFERRER_SAME_AS_REFEREE | The referrer cannot be the same as the referee. |
RFQ_BLOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The RFQ block does not exist. |
RFQ_BLOCK_ID_EXISTS | The RFQ block ID already exists. |
RISK_INVALID_ORDER | The order is invalid based on risk assessment. |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_HIGH | The sequence number specified is too high. |
SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | The requested service was not found. |
SETTLEMENT_NOT_EXPIRED | Settlement cannot proceed because the instrument has not expired. |
SETTLEMENT_PENDING | Settlement is pending. |
SETTLEMENT_PRICE_ALREADY_SET | The settlement price has already been set. |
SETTLEMENT_PRICE_ZERO | The settlement price is zero. |
SET_REFERRAL_REWARD_INVALID_EVENT_TYPE | The event type for setting the referral reward is invalid. |
SIGNING_KEY_ALREADY_REGISTERED | The signing key is already registered. |
SIGNING_KEY_EXISTS | The signing key already exists. |
SIGNING_KEY_INVALID_ACCOUNT | The account specified for the signing key is invalid. |
SIGNING_KEY_INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified for the signing key is invalid. |
SIGNING_KEY_NO_SIGNATURE | The signing key action lacks a required signature. |
SIZE_ZERO | The size is zero. |
SNAPSHOT_EMPTY | The snapshot is empty. |
SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND | The requested snapshot was not found. |
SPOT_INVALID_AMOUNTS | The amounts specified for the spot transaction are invalid. |
SPOT_INVALID_BASE_AMOUNT | The base amount specified for the spot transaction is invalid. |
SPOT_INVALID_COLLATERAL | The collateral specified for the spot transaction is invalid. |
SPOT_INVALID_INSTRUMENT | The instrument specified for the spot transaction is invalid. |
SPOT_INVALID_PRICE | The price specified for the spot transaction is invalid. |
SPOT_NOT_SUPPORTED | Spot transactions are not supported. |
SPOT_NO_BASE_BALANCE | There is no base balance available for the spot transaction. |
SPOT_NO_BASE_CAPACITY | There is no base capacity available for the spot transaction. |
SPOT_NO_QUOTE_BALANCE | There is no quote balance available for the spot transaction. |
SPOT_NO_QUOTE_CAPACITY | There is no quote capacity available for the spot transaction. |
STABLE_ALREADY_EXIST | The stable already exists. |
STABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The stable does not exist. |
STALE_DATA | The data is outdated. |
START_TIME_LESS_THAN_30_DAYS | The 'start' time is less than 30 days from now. |
STRATEGY_HAS_UNPROCESSED | The strategy has unprocessed items. |
TAKER_FEE_NOT_WITHIN_RANGE | The taker fee is not within the acceptable range. |
TARGET_UTILIZATION_UNAPPLICABLE | Target utilization is unapplicable. |
TIMED_OUT | The operation timed out. |
TIMESTAMP_MISSING | The timestamp is missing. |
TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_DATE | The provided timestamp is out of date. |
TIMESTAMP_TOO_OLD | The timestamp is too old. |
TOO_MANY_BLOCKS | There are too many blocks. |
TOO_MANY_CHANNELS | Too many WebSocket channels are open. |
TOO_MANY_LEGS | There are too many legs in the transaction. |
TOO_MANY_PENDING_ORDERS | There are too many pending orders. |
TOO_MANY_PINGS | Too many ping requests have been sent. |
TRADING_NOT_PAUSED | Trading is not paused. |
TRADING_PAUSED | Trading has been paused. |
TRANSACTIONS_QUEUE_CLEARED | The transactions queue has been cleared. |
TRANSACTIONS_QUEUE_NOT_CLEARED | The transactions queue has not been cleared. |
TRANSFER_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | Insufficient balance for the transfer. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_COLLATERAL | The collateral specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_CREDIT | The credit specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_HASH | The hash of the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_LABEL | The label specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_PROTO | The protocol specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_SALT | The salt value specified for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_INVALID_TO | The destination address for the transfer is invalid. |
TRANSFER_NO_ACCOUNT | No account specified for the transfer. |
TRANSFER_NO_COLLATERAL | No collateral specified for the transfer. |
TRANSFER_NO_SIGNATURE | The transfer lacks a required signature. |
TRANSFER_NO_TO | No destination specified for the transfer. |
TRANSFER_PROCESSED | The transfer has already been processed. |
TRANSFER_UNSUPPORTED_CREDIT | The credit type specified is not supported. |
UNAUTHORIZED | The user does not have permission to perform the requested operation. |
UNKNOWN | An unexpected error occurred. |
UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_FIELD | The configuration field specified is unsupported. |
UPDATE_MARGIN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The request to update margin does not correspond to an existing order. |
USERNAME_ALREADY_USED | The username is already in use. |
USERNAME_EMPTY_STRING | The username is an empty string. |
USERNAME_HAS_SPACES | The username contains spaces, which are not allowed. |
WITHDRAWAL_PROCESSED | The withdrawal has already been processed. |
WITHDRAW_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED | The withdrawal capacity has been exceeded. |
WITHDRAW_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified withdrawal does not exist. |
WITHDRAW_EXISTS | The withdrawal already exists. |
WITHDRAW_INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount specified for withdrawal is invalid. |
WITHDRAW_INVALID_FEE | The fee specified for the withdrawal is invalid. |
WITHDRAW_INVALID_GAS_LIMIT | The gas limit specified for the withdrawal is invalid. |
WITHDRAW_INVALID_HASH | The hash of the withdrawal request is invalid. |
WITHDRAW_INVALID_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | Insufficient balance to complete the withdrawal. |
WITHDRAW_LIMIT_REACHED | The limit for withdrawals has been reached. |
WITHDRAW_NO_ACCOUNT | No account specified for the withdrawal. |
WITHDRAW_NO_COLLATERAL | No collateral specified for the withdrawal. |
WITHDRAW_NO_SIGNATURE | The withdrawal request lacks a required signature. |
WITHDRAW_NO_TO | No destination specified for the withdrawal. |
WRONG_GROUP_TO_REMOVE | The wrong group was specified for removal. |
YIELD_VAULT_EXCEEDS_CAPACITY | The yield vault exceeds its capacity. |
YIELD_VAULT_NIL_VALUE | A nil value was specified for the yield vault. |
YIELD_VAULT_OWNER_RECEIVER_MISMATCH | The owner and receiver specified do not match for the yield vault. |
YIELD_VAULT_PAUSED | The yield vault is paused. |
ZERO_FORWARD_PRICE | The forward price is zero. |
ZERO_IV | The implied volatility (IV) is zero. |