PUBLISH Create Order

PUB wss://

Create an order.


id integer
Request ID, an arbitrary integer to link requests with responses. Eg. 1
op string required
Operation code: create_order
data.instrument string required
Instrument ID number. Eg. 12
data.maker string required
Account's Ethereum address.. Eg. 0xE9b3a48d15BE316A8e34FAd53fFDFDddf0C3D24b
data.is_buy boolean required
True for long order, false for short order. Eg. 12
data.amount string required
Number of contracts. In 6 decimals fixed number. Eg. 1000000
data.limit_price string required
Order limit price. In 6 decimals fixed number. Eg. 1000000
data.salt string required
A randomly generated number to guarantee transaction uniqueness. Eg. 12345678
data.timestamp string
Timestamp used in order signing in UNIX timestamp in seconds.. Eg. 1680249600
data.signature string required
Hash of order payload signature signed by the account.
data.post_only boolean
Flag to indicate that the order is a maker order, or is immediately rejected if it is a taker order.
data.time_in_force string
Can be set to GTC or IOC (GTC is set by default)
data.mmp boolean
Flag to include the order into MMP (false by default)
  "op": "create_order",
  "id": 1,
  "data": {
    "instrument": "11235",
    "maker": "0xaaaD4c0fa8287Ca5bCcFf0E71Bf93044De0A3f13",
    "is_buy": true,
    "amount": "10000000",
    "limit_price": "10000000",
    "salt": "1",
    "signature": "0x8aecd6e002780a08dc623233c4bf26f217d13483bf5d75dba49eb4eda865630631505f3dda0294c4f0b8d6b2357f2c2dc5d3c2106aed6e77e88785a6daf602701b"


id integer
Response ID, an arbitrary integer to link requests with responses. Eg. 1
data.order_id string required
Order ID is the hash of the order payload. Eg. 0x4c43e0ab72a4edb72dfe4b129148899815d816837b9a7e22d964b884834639f8
data.account string required
Account's Ethereum address. Eg. 0xE9b3a48d15BE316A8e34FAd53fFDFDddf0C3D24b
data.instrument_id string required
Instrument ID number. Eg. 12
data.instrument_name string required
Instrument name. Eg. ETH-24DEC22-1250-C
data.instrument_type string required
Type of instrument. Allowed values: OPTION PERPETUAL
data.expiry string
Option expiry in UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds. Eg. 1680249600000000000
data.strike string
Option strike price. Eg. 2500
data.option_type string
Type of option contract. Allowed values: call put
data.order_type string required
Order type. Allowed values: limit market
data.order_status string required
Order status. Allowed values: opened cancelled partial filled
data.side string required
Trade side. Allowed values: buy sell
data.amount string required
Amount of contracts. Eg. 12.23
data.price string required
Price in USD. Eg. 12.23
data.filled string required
Amount filled. Eg. 10.4
data.initial_margin string required
Margin required to keep an open order. Eg. 12.23
data.avg_price string
Average execution price in USD. Eg. 12.23
data.created_timestamp string required
Created timestamp in UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds. Eg. 1680249600000000000
data.timestamp string required
Response timestamp in UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds. Eg. 1680249600000000000
data.system_type string required
System type where the order is created. Orders created via websocket will default to API.
  "id": 1,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "0x4c43e0ab72a4edb72dfe4b129148899815d816837b9a7e22d964b884834639f8",
    "account": "0xE9b3a48d15BE316A8e34FAd53fFDFDddf0C3D24b",
    "instrument_id": "12",
    "instrument_name": "ETH-30JUN23-1600-C",
    "instrument_type": "OPTION",
    "option_type": "put",
    "expiry": "1680249600000000000",
    "strike": "2500",
    "order_type": "limit",
    "order_status": "filled",
    "side": "buy",
    "amount": "12.23",
    "price": "12.34",
    "filled": "12.23",
    "initial_margin": "12.23",
    "created_timestamp": "1680249600000000000",
    "timestamp": "1680249600000000000",
    "system_type": "API"